The renowned Botanic Garden series has adorned households since its introduction in 1972, becoming a cherished English classic across generations. Presently, alongside its charming array of exquisite patterns, it welcomes exotic plant life and creatures from tropical regions. Splendid floral bursts intertwine with intricately depicted butterflies. Retaining the same distinctive qualities, this collection seamlessly integrates with your current Botanic Garden assortment. Infuse vibrancy into your tableware with this set of six Exotic Botanic Garden Cereal Bowls, featuring one of each flower design from the series.
- Style: Drum
- Material: Earthenware
- Motif: Red Ginger, White Waterlily, Moth Orchid, Dragonfly, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise
- Dimensions: 16.25cm Diameter
Product Care
- Dishwasher safe
- Freezer safe
- Microwave safe
- Oven safe up to 170°C
This product is available in different style and packed at random. Price is per individual item. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order a specific pattern online. If you would like a specific colour combination, please visit your local Minimax store.
Colour | Floral |
Cleaning Care | Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, Microwave safe, Oven safe up to 170°C. |
Range | Exotic Botanic Garden |
Designed in | England |
Made in | England |
Depth | 18.5 |
Height | 10.9 |
Width | 18.8 |
Weight | 1898 |
Free Shipping within Australia on all orders over $99*
$9.95 Flat Rate for all orders under $99 within Australia.
Click & Collect is available from all of our stores.
Portmeirion Exotic Botanic Garden Oatmeal Bowl 16.25cm (price per item)
The renowned Botanic Garden series has adorned households since its introduction in 1972, becoming a cherished English classic across generations. Presently, alongside its charming array of exquisite patterns, it welcomes exotic plant life and creatures from tropical regions. Splendid floral bursts intertwine with intricately depicted butterflies. Retaining the same distinctive qualities, this collection seamlessly integrates with your current Botanic Garden assortment. Infuse vibrancy into your tableware with this set of six Exotic Botanic Garden Cereal Bowls, featuring one of each flower design from the series.
- Style: Drum
- Material: Earthenware
- Motif: Red Ginger, White Waterlily, Moth Orchid, Dragonfly, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise
- Dimensions: 16.25cm Diameter
Product Care
- Dishwasher safe
- Freezer safe
- Microwave safe
- Oven safe up to 170°C
This product is available in different style and packed at random. Price is per individual item. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order a specific pattern online. If you would like a specific colour combination, please visit your local Minimax store.
Colour | Floral |
Cleaning Care | Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, Microwave safe, Oven safe up to 170°C. |
Range | Exotic Botanic Garden |
Designed in | England |
Made in | England |
Depth | 18.5 |
Height | 10.9 |
Width | 18.8 |
Weight | 1898 |
Free Shipping within Australia on all orders over $99*
$9.95 Flat Rate for all orders under $99 within Australia.
Click & Collect is available from all of our stores.