The beloved Botanic Garden series has adorned British households since its 1972 debut, becoming a timeless English favourite cherished across generations. Now, its delightful blend of captivating designs has expanded to include exotic plants and creatures from tropical regions. This charming set of 14cm bowls, part of the Exotic Botanic Garden Collection, is a delightful addition to any dining ensemble. Each of the six small bowls showcases motifs featuring tropical flora and fauna, adorned with bursts of vibrant petals and intricate butterflies. With qualities akin to the original Botanic Garden range, this collection inspired by exotic themes seamlessly integrates into your existing collection without effort.
- Material: Earthenware
- Motif: Red Ginger, White Waterlily, Moth Orchid, Dragonfly, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise
- Dimensions: 13.5cm Diameter
Product Care
- Dishwasher safe
- Freezer safe
- Microwave safe
- Oven safe up to 170°C
This product is available in different style and packed at random. Price is per individual item. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order a specific pattern online. If you would like a specific colour combination, please visit your local Minimax store.
Colour | Floral |
Cleaning Care | Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, Microwave safe, Oven safe up to 170°C. |
Range | Exotic Botanic Garden |
Designed in | England |
Made in | England |
Depth | 23 |
Height | 15.6 |
Width | 16.5 |
Weight | 1966 |
Free Shipping within Australia on all orders over $99*
$9.95 Flat Rate for all orders under $99 within Australia.
Click & Collect is available from all of our stores.
Portmeirion Exotic Botanic Garden Fruit Salad Bowl Assorted 13.5cm (price per item)
The beloved Botanic Garden series has adorned British households since its 1972 debut, becoming a timeless English favourite cherished across generations. Now, its delightful blend of captivating designs has expanded to include exotic plants and creatures from tropical regions. This charming set of 14cm bowls, part of the Exotic Botanic Garden Collection, is a delightful addition to any dining ensemble. Each of the six small bowls showcases motifs featuring tropical flora and fauna, adorned with bursts of vibrant petals and intricate butterflies. With qualities akin to the original Botanic Garden range, this collection inspired by exotic themes seamlessly integrates into your existing collection without effort.
- Material: Earthenware
- Motif: Red Ginger, White Waterlily, Moth Orchid, Dragonfly, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise
- Dimensions: 13.5cm Diameter
Product Care
- Dishwasher safe
- Freezer safe
- Microwave safe
- Oven safe up to 170°C
This product is available in different style and packed at random. Price is per individual item. Unfortunately, it is not possible to order a specific pattern online. If you would like a specific colour combination, please visit your local Minimax store.
Colour | Floral |
Cleaning Care | Dishwasher safe, Freezer safe, Microwave safe, Oven safe up to 170°C. |
Range | Exotic Botanic Garden |
Designed in | England |
Made in | England |
Depth | 23 |
Height | 15.6 |
Width | 16.5 |
Weight | 1966 |
Free Shipping within Australia on all orders over $99*
$9.95 Flat Rate for all orders under $99 within Australia.
Click & Collect is available from all of our stores.