
Klipsta Flip Bag Hook Black

$34.95 AUD

The Klipsta Flip Bag Hook in Black is a sleek and practical accessory that attaches easily to your handbag handle, ensuring it’s always ready for use. Simply flip down the hook and secure it onto the edge of any table, making it perfect for various settings, from cafes to conference rooms. 


  • Weighs 90gm and holds up to 16Kgs (35lbs)
  • Always Ready: Attaches seamlessly to your handbag handle, ensuring it's always there when you need it.
  • Flip it:  Flip the hook down and slide it onto the table edge.
  • Universal Fit: Works on most table types, from cafes to conference rooms.
  • Keeps Bags Clean: Elevates your bag off potentially dirty surfaces.
  • Easy Access: No more bags on the floor. Keep your belongings right where you can see them!
  • Sleek Design: So fashionable, you'll want to keep it on your bag